Monday 22 December 2008

Carol Service

Last Night was the Carol Service at the Welsh Chapel. To be frank, the sermon was all over the place and I could not pick out a line of thought that connected everything. However there was the theme of waiting upon the lord. In my case it is waiting upon the lord to do something in my life. I want a certain party to get saved and then handed over to me.

This morning in devotions, we looked at Luke chapters 1 and 2. The characters here are Zacharia and Simeon. Zacharia was given the promise of a child, but did not believe it. However he and his wife were very devout. Simeon on the other hand did believe the promise he had been given and looked to the future. At the prompting of the Holy Spirit he went to the temple and saw the christ and thanked God for it. I am more like Zacharia. I pray, I believe, but some mornings I wake up with doubt and have to ask God to help my unbelief. I just found what was said particularly this morning such an encouragement to go on.

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