Wednesday 17 December 2008

psalm 6 verse 9

Yesterday, I received an email informing me of a death. I decided to send the bereaved a card. I got one from a colleque, however the words inside it seemed to speak to me. The intention of the card was for me to let the bereaved know that I am praying for him and his family. It said "Praying for you, especially at this time". However, also quoted Psalm 6 verse 9, " the Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer." I am praying for a certain person to come to the Lord. Is God through this saying that he will do it.

Last night I was out at a Robin Hood Play. There were things in it that struck a chord with me, ie Frier tuck going of reciting the lords prayer. (It was used in Gaslight) and also the use of the word SOON which I have used a lot in prayer recently for this person I am praying for. I also find in my notes that God can ask me to do things I do not understand and what I have in mind is barking mad but a friend whom I talked things through with assures me that I am not mad.

I watch and wait.

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