Tuesday 23 December 2008

Be still yet again

Last night, I felt the urge to pick up a book that I have had for some years written by Alex Ross on the psalms. As soon as I opened it, there it was again, "Be Still and Know that I am God". You would think that I had got the message, but God is ramming it home to me and I am so thankfull for that as I am a numb skull.

I await to see what he will do.

Zacheriah and Simeon and me

Yesterday as I got out of bed, I prayed and was honest with the lord. I told him that this would be a day of my unbelief, please help my unbelief. At devotions it was about Zacheriah and Simeon. Zacheriah had prayed for a son, and now he was old and there was no sign of recieveing a son, yet the angel told him that he would have a son. Zacheriah did not believe. I am at that point where I am so advanced in years that to get what I pray for seems impossible, and yet......

And yet God promises to answer prayer.

Tomorrow I will take a risk and lauch an initiative of sending and email that I have drafted over a number of weeks that contains a lot of gospel truth. I am sending it to the person I pray for. I also took a tract off the church table a couple of weeks ago. I plan to send it from Dunfermline to the same person. I pray that both of these things will make an impact and lead to her salvation.

I am like Zacheriah. I pray and in the past have had to accept a lot of no no no from God. On reflection this was wise, but now I am getting up in years and time is not on my side. I desperately want this with all my heart. looking at previous entries, I am reminded of the card I got earlier in the week with the verse. " the Lord has heard my supplication" from Psalm 6:9 Zacheriah was told, that the lord has heard his prayer. Oh that God would answer me quickly.

Monday 22 December 2008

Carol Service

Last Night was the Carol Service at the Welsh Chapel. To be frank, the sermon was all over the place and I could not pick out a line of thought that connected everything. However there was the theme of waiting upon the lord. In my case it is waiting upon the lord to do something in my life. I want a certain party to get saved and then handed over to me.

This morning in devotions, we looked at Luke chapters 1 and 2. The characters here are Zacharia and Simeon. Zacharia was given the promise of a child, but did not believe it. However he and his wife were very devout. Simeon on the other hand did believe the promise he had been given and looked to the future. At the prompting of the Holy Spirit he went to the temple and saw the christ and thanked God for it. I am more like Zacharia. I pray, I believe, but some mornings I wake up with doubt and have to ask God to help my unbelief. I just found what was said particularly this morning such an encouragement to go on.

Saturday 20 December 2008

David and Coliath

Today is the last Saturday before christmas and I feel empty again. I know why I feel this way and the only good thing I can say is that at least it makes me pray. I can also see God heming me in to go the way that he wants and that I will gladly do, but it is so difficult. I sent a certain person that I pray for a calendar. I also plan to send a tract that I took from the church table. Before I do that , I plan to send an email that like the pebble David used to stike Goliath I hope will deliver a knock out blow to my situation and I pray that the track, like Coliaths sword will deliver a final Killer blow that will result in someone being given the gift of faith.

I am a about to go out and deliver the same calendars around a nearby hamlet.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

psalm 6 verse 9

Yesterday, I received an email informing me of a death. I decided to send the bereaved a card. I got one from a colleque, however the words inside it seemed to speak to me. The intention of the card was for me to let the bereaved know that I am praying for him and his family. It said "Praying for you, especially at this time". However, also quoted Psalm 6 verse 9, " the Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer." I am praying for a certain person to come to the Lord. Is God through this saying that he will do it.

Last night I was out at a Robin Hood Play. There were things in it that struck a chord with me, ie Frier tuck going of reciting the lords prayer. (It was used in Gaslight) and also the use of the word SOON which I have used a lot in prayer recently for this person I am praying for. I also find in my notes that God can ask me to do things I do not understand and what I have in mind is barking mad but a friend whom I talked things through with assures me that I am not mad.

I watch and wait.

Monday 8 December 2008

An Empty Vessel

Today I feel such an empty vessel. However, that only motivates me to pray. I need this aching void in my life filled and only God can do it. I know only too well if I try to fill it myself, all my efforts will end in failure.

Sunday 7 December 2008


I am praying for a certain person to be saved soon. There is more to it than that, but as this is open to anyone, I will not say more. The interesting thing is to see things from Gods point of view, here am I praying for someone to get saved soon and the final chapter of the bible is full of how Jesus is coming SOON.

It is as though I am desperate for him to do something soon and he is desperate to do something for the whole world soon.

Saturday 6 December 2008

BE still again

having looked at the Psalm that says "Be still and know that I am God". it seems to me that God is speaking to the nations. However, in the past week, this has come to me three times and I am asking myself the question, is this what God is saying to me?

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Be still and know that I am God

I had the courage to start communicating my feelings. I think that a point has come now where I have to be still there are things that I cannot do, only God can, and now I have to wait and see what he will do as I pray. I also need to avoid distractions that would lead me into sin to get what I want.

Jesus was tempted to take the short cut to do Gods work. I have discovered that there is such a thing as an evil short cut to get what I want. I therefore need all the more to pray that I will not jump into sin. That I will allow the lord to have his will and do what he wants to do.

Being still is an active thing. It is trusting in the Lord.