Thursday 10 August 2017


I feel badly for Jory Micah. Today she is claiming that those who have gone to her Twitter and Facebook to rebuke her for her heresy are all minions of mine, and a cult I apparently lead with my father, and we follow Doug Wilson? It's all very strange. For the record, I haven't sent any one to knock on her. In fact, I've spent quite a bit of time asking those offended by her theology to watch their tongues. Yes, her heresy is bad. Very bad. But that doesn't mean she herself deserves name-calling, etc. Correct her positions, but don't attack her personally. Further, I have never led a cult, or a church. Because you know....women shouldn't do that :) Of course, she continues to attack me personally and blame me for the heat she's getting on social media. She continues to call me terrible things. If you care for Jory, and the souls of those who listen to her heresy, the best thing you can do is pray. Seriously, pray for her. She's heaping up wrath on herself with her false teaching and we should care about that. If you can interact with her without name-calling, then feel free. Finally, I've seen her posts and I know what she's saying, so no need to message me or tag me or whatever else have you. I've attempted to honestly interact with her, and she is not interested. I know it's hard to find out who my dad is online, but the fact that she didn't even try to find out who she was attacking before she did so says quite enough about whether or not a real dialogue will take place here. There is nothing left for me to interact with. I know it's hard to see God profaned online in the awful ways in which she does it and we all want to see her, and those who follow her, come to a true knowledge of God. If that's what you really want, guard your tongue. Be careful with your words. Preach the Gospel. Confront the lies, but do it with wisdom and love. Have a nice day! And seriously.....stop tagging me. :D 389 Likes55 Comments20 Shares

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