Friday 16 June 2017

friends 1st yet again

I am clearing rubbish off my desk and discovered some of the Friends 1st material. For me it was £397 wasted. All their material makes them seem caring, but in reality I was nothing more then a contract, not a person or human being. the prices rise to £2127 and I see that such a rich person gets a 60 minute telephone conversation with the woman who created this deceitful and manipulative company. I got 10 minutes and when I told her that it is difficult finding a partner for mission, she said, "I think you are over thinking that". I was appalled by that. I have been in mission a good number of years and I know what it is like and the demands that are made. She was not really listening to me and I later found out that she is a Roman Catholic within the church of England who is married to a Roman Catholic and sometimes goes to his church which tells me that the woman is deceived and has never had a conversion experience. I regret joining friends first. I should have just stuck to the web sites which in my case after years of searching has produced a result. A woman I love and who understands mission. As the cheapest option only gives you monthly profiles, how is it that they can say my profile goes out monthly unless they only mean Gold and platinum plus. I discovered when I contacted people that I had been given that they had not recieved my profile. I quickly reached the conclusion that they exist only to milk money out of their victims for that is in fact what I am a victim.

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