Monday 19 June 2017


looking back to when my mother died, I just feel that I and my family were abandoned by someone who should have been there for us. I joined OM and from the start got no support from the minister. this led to the final break down in our relationship. When my mother died I did not get a single message of condolence from him and to the best of my knowledge neither did the rest of the family in spite of of our years of service in the church. Right now we are looking at loving and valuing one another, which is good and it is timely reminder for all of us to love and value the body of christ. However, in recent years, I have found people who feel let down by the church. I try to do what I can. I only have a limited experience of feeling the way they do, but looking back for that period, church did not work for me either and fellowship was restored by the ministers departure. His departure was timely for I had decided that any commmunication from me to the church would no longer go to him as I was just at breaking point. I had enough of his neglect and I was bereaved. that said, what about forgiveness? for me that question is a mighty challenge.

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