Tuesday 29 November 2016

what an awful idea, why do we do it?

Many years ago when I was a teenager in my first job, I was watching the news on TV about annual appraisals and What an innovative, wonderful idea they were as practiced in Japan.  Shortly after that they occurred in this country and I had my first one in the back shop of the co-op.  I knew that Andy williamson the manager hated it and there was no privacy and it was a duty he had to carry out and get out of the way.  I unloaded vans, put stock in the back shop and sometimes put stock on shelves in the front shop and from Thursday to Saturday I put shopping trolleys back in their place.  How was I to improve my performance?  Reviews were utterly demeaning.  To this day I hate them and I think they are useless because researchers who create these things evidently do not realise that people lie.  They just want to get the thing out of the way and get back to work. Why do we have them?  It is just imposed on people and failure is guaranteed.

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