Monday 7 November 2016

Primary Colours

The American Presidential election has proved to be acrimonious, bitter and will probably have repercussions for a number of years no matter who wins.  A long time ago a film called "Primary Colours" was made, based on a novel, which in turn was based on Bill Clintons 1992 presidential campaign.  The lead was played by John Travolta.  I hope that he is on Stand by for Primary Colours 2.

The FBI investigated Hilary Clintons emails that were on a private server, then dropped it. Nine days ago they sent a letter to Congress saying they were investigating more emails and today they have dropped it. Donald Trump makes all sorts of allegations and he himself is alleged to have sexually assaulted women which he bragged about to a reporter and then denied.  One wonders how angry his present wife and family are behind closed doors. The whole think would be a joke but the world is watching.

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