Wednesday 16 November 2016

Timothy two chapter 4 verse 8 to the end of the chapter.

Timothy 2:4 8-end of chapter

In the future there is laid up for us the crown of righteousness..

I believe that when paul wrote this, athletes who won the race were given a crown ( a laurel Crown)

On Monday Andrew talked about what motivates us and guarding that which is in us.

The athlete trains for a long time.  He or she does this, because they want to win the crown and they will do whatever it takes to be in a fit condition to win it.

They look ahead and the focus on that moment that the crown will be placed apon their head

Paul is saying that he is focused like the athlete with his life.

He reminds Timothy that not only will the lord do that for him, but he will do it for All who have loved his appearing.

I find that that as I look forward, there are things that I have to put off, in order to attain the prize.  What you have to put off will vary from individual to individual.

There are also things that I need to put on. Things that are good for me that will make me more holy.

I also have to put off distractions.  The world offers distractions. Not always things that are wrong, but things that consume you.

We need to guard our hearts as Andrew said so that what is in us is strong.
Sometimes it may appear to men to be strong, but in fact it is not. 

I have known some people who seemed to follow the lord, but do so no longer.

Paul experienced that with Demas. 

Paul said Demas had deserted him and Gone to Thessanica

We do not know why, but you can sense pauls disappointment and loneliness as he tells Timothy to make EVERY EFFORT TO COME TO HIM SOON.


He also tells him to BRING MARK.   Previously Paul had rejected Mark, but now he wants him.

Sometimes there are people who have rough edges, but they are sincere and worth bearing with. MARK SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN ONE OF THEM.

We are not to take revenge on those who wrong us.  ALEXANDER THE COPPERSMITH.  Had wronged Paul but Paul leaves the matter to the lord.

This is the other side of things.  Paul looks forward to the crown, but for those who oppose the lord there will be punishment.  PAUL WARNED TIMOTHY AGAINST HIM.
He was in effect telling timothy how to handle him  DO NOT LOSE THE RAG.

Paul also says that at his first defence all deserted him.  They also deserted Christ.

However it was in this that the gospel went to the Gentiles.

V18 the lord will deliver me from every evil deed.

It also seems to me that Paul loved greeting people. People whom he loved and who had worked with him.

I presume that Timothy did this. He had to personally greet these people and they would know that they were in the apostles thoughts.

1)      Strive to attain the crown
2)      Guard your hearts and that which God has entrusted to you so that you will not be a Demas

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