Tuesday 10 May 2016

what did they learn?

Alcohol was strictly prohibited at the college that I attended, even off campus. When I turned 21, some of my girlfriends and I thought we would “be bad” and go out for a drink.  The four of us split one cocktail and we giggled about how “rebellious” we were being.
Someone among the group felt it was her spiritual duty to rat us out (give me a break) and the next day we were each called to the dean’s office. Oh what a predicament I was in. If I tell the truth, I would get kicked out of school my senior year of college for sharing one drink with four girls at the age of 21. I am a truth person to the core of my being, but I had watched great Christian girls get kicked out of Bible school for similar behaviors.
I was honest with my parents about what was happening and they advised me to keep the truth to myself.  They had just spent thousands of dollars putting me through college and were not about to see their daughter get kicked out of school for such a small crime. I regretted not obeying the rule because I was now in a place where I had to lie. Oh how I wrestled within my soul.
I was faced with two commandments:  Honor they father and mother OR lie? I chose to honor my parents and their investment and thank God I did because the girls who admitted the truth got kicked out of school. I know lying is wrong, but the heavy spirit of legalism I was under was even worse. I strive to never put myself under the authority of legalism again, as it was crippling to my soul and even served as a stumbling block for me to sin.
This is one of those stories where I am oh so thankful for the grace of Jesus Christ and that by His sacrifice I am forgiven for my sins!  I will strive not to lie for the rest of my life, but I am certain I will lie again and anyone who says they won’t ever lie again is a liar. The love of Jesus surpasses all of our mistakes and sets us free to be in a genuine relationship with Him.  He does not see our sin any longer if we are in Him and He is in us.  He doesn’t just love us, he likes us despite our human flaws.

The above is from a blog.  On the surface, it seems like an injustice.  However the person who ratted on them, I wonder where they are now and what their relationship is with God?  She must have know that her confession would cause trouble and result in them being expelled and yet she did it.  I do not think drinking in itself is wrong, but this college had such a rule and it was only for the duration that the student is there.  One learns discipline from rules, even ones we do not agree with.

the person who ratted, had a much more tender conscience.  the writer of this has still not learned the lesson in humility.  Many of us have to endure rules we do not agree with and sometimes not for a short duration.  I live under a rule, I do not agree with, but does it cause me hardship? NO.

One can appear to be serving God, yet be a mighty rebel.

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