Thursday 5 May 2016


Many Christians don't seem to realize the pain female ministers face throughout their lives. Our very deepest longings are openly debated & Christians continually dismiss our callings as sinful or a figment of our imagination.
We watch our sisters in Christ, who deny our calling, become prinicpals of schools, head nurses or doctors, and CEO's; yet, we are not permitted or preferred among our own "family in Christ" to be pastors, elders, & Bible teachers to adult men & women. Sometimes, not even worship leaders, youth directors, college directors, and the list goes on.
We watch our male peers, who are often less educated than us and have less unpaid experience than us, get hired to be pastors. We love our minister brothers in Christ, but most of them have blindly stepped over us. Most have not defended us. Most have simply enjoyed their privlage.
We volunteer and work with children. We make the coffee. We serve with a smile on our face, hoping someday, someone will see us. But they don't. Many of us have given up. Many of us have lost hope. Sometimes it all feels pointless.
How long will it take to convince the Church that we are here? That we are called? That we are gifted for the task? That we exist?
I am not sure, sisters, I wish I knew. But, do know that I see you and if I see you as a mere human, then God must see you too. I believe God has collected all of our tears and not one ounce of our suffering will go to waste. God will not forget us. God will not leave us behind.

the above is from JM. the remark about about tears was originally about those who are being persecuted and even put to death, which in the USA they are not.  Also the issue about being called is a feeling, it is not validated by what the bible actually says in bold black and white.

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