Friday 15 May 2015

The mailbox

I am going to the mailbox tomorrow.  I was due to meet people from Friends 1st for lunch, but I just could not bring myself to pretend that everything is ok and that I love their service.  I had intended to see the TV studio and then meet them at 1.15, but I have to be honest and tell them that the founder if she thinks she can be a christian and be married to a Roman Catholic and encourage others to do likewise then she is sincere, but sincerely deceived and I can have no fellowship with them. I have also in a small way started doing what I told them I would do. I am when the opportunity arises doing my best to deter other people joining them. 

I intend to enjoy my tour of the mailbox and not be watching the time to leave the studio as I would have to have done if I had been meeting fellow victims, opps sorry members of Friends 1st.

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