Saturday 30 May 2015

Friends 1st has the gall to call me.

I hope that I have at long last got rid of "FRIENDS 1ST". I wonder if they communicate with each other as I made me thoughts on them crystal clear, yet a man phoned me and left a message saying the cheque had a arrived and how was my membership coming along. If I had any questions I could phone. 

I emailed them about this saying I had made my thoughts about them clear in my letter and

1) Never call me again
2) Do not send me any more literature
3) Take my contact details off their data base.

I think the whole thing is set up to do nothing but make money, and when you make it clear that you want out and then take steps to force the issue, then they drop the mask and you see them for who they really are.  Their target is your money.  Members are not people they are contracts.

They are highly manipulative in the language they use in their emails.  I utterly despise that.

To anyone reading this, if you ever see their adverts, I am warning you, throw it away and stick to reputable web sites even if you do not feel like it. 

A web site usually does not lock you into a contract and is therefore cheaper and what you see is what you get.

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