Wednesday 10 September 2014


The time is Stornoway was good for me. It was communion season and the guest speaker came from my home town. We had never met, but he and I had a lot of people in common including his wife. He spent 5 nights preaching from the first three chapters of Johns first epistle. It gave me a sense of getting closer to God and forgiveness in the aftermath of reading chesters book. It was also good to spend a lot of time in praise of god. the referendum was in full swing. it will be a moment in history no matter what the outcome is. I wish I had a vote,but whatever way I look at it, Scotland is no longer the place that I left and people are expected to vote with their emotions without grasping the implications and being asked the question, "Are you ready, willing and able to live with the consequenses of being a smaller economy and paying higher taxes to support a socialist state?"

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