Tuesday 30 September 2014

Jessica Fox

I was privileged to meet Jessica Fox at the Wigtown book festival on Saturday.  She does not know it, but our meeting was in fact an answer to prayer. I was only going to be at the festival for one day and I asked the lord if I could meet her.  I had hoped to see her as she went or returned from yoga class she was running that morning, but I did not see her arrive or leave.  I was there to take in the atmosphere of the festival so I was always going to achieve that objective, but I wanted to meet Jessica because I found her book inspirational for my own writing.  I had been in the town three weeks previously and met a young woman in the bookshop and when I talked about the book and refered to "Ewan", she corrected me and said "Sean".  I wondered where I got the name "Ewan " from as I could swear that was what he was called. 

Indeed he is called "Ewan" in the book.  I met him later and asked if Jessica was around. She was not, but he said that if I left my copy of Jessicas book then he would get her to sign it and he would send it back.  I thought that was very kind.  My dealings with him on facebook made him seem like a clown and someone who said cutting things about people behind their backs. I hinted at this with him when I met only to find that he never named people and that what he did on facebook is a coping mechanism of working in a shop.  As I spent five years working in a shop, I understand that.

Here I was back in Wigtown yet again. I prayed to meet Jessica.  As I wandered round the festival and the other shops all of which were crowded, I spotted a shop on a corner that had  sign saying that it changed proprietors every two weeks. There was a notice in the window asking people to write three words for a blog about their festival experience.  I went in to do that and as I was at the counter trying to think of three words to write down, Jessica walked in to see the man behind the counter.  She stood beside me and spoke to him. I introduced myself, shook hands with her and thanked her for signing my book.  She recognised my name and she introduced me to the man behind the counter.  She told the man that I had written a book and she knew what the title was.  Evidently Sean must have told her this.  I asked her if there were people at the festival who had contact details for proof reading and she directed me to people who were in an ambulance down the road.

When she left, the man behind the counter talked to me and seemed very interested in what I do.  I may try to go through Jessica to get in touch with him.

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