Tuesday 30 September 2014

Jessica Fox

I was privileged to meet Jessica Fox at the Wigtown book festival on Saturday.  She does not know it, but our meeting was in fact an answer to prayer. I was only going to be at the festival for one day and I asked the lord if I could meet her.  I had hoped to see her as she went or returned from yoga class she was running that morning, but I did not see her arrive or leave.  I was there to take in the atmosphere of the festival so I was always going to achieve that objective, but I wanted to meet Jessica because I found her book inspirational for my own writing.  I had been in the town three weeks previously and met a young woman in the bookshop and when I talked about the book and refered to "Ewan", she corrected me and said "Sean".  I wondered where I got the name "Ewan " from as I could swear that was what he was called. 

Indeed he is called "Ewan" in the book.  I met him later and asked if Jessica was around. She was not, but he said that if I left my copy of Jessicas book then he would get her to sign it and he would send it back.  I thought that was very kind.  My dealings with him on facebook made him seem like a clown and someone who said cutting things about people behind their backs. I hinted at this with him when I met only to find that he never named people and that what he did on facebook is a coping mechanism of working in a shop.  As I spent five years working in a shop, I understand that.

Here I was back in Wigtown yet again. I prayed to meet Jessica.  As I wandered round the festival and the other shops all of which were crowded, I spotted a shop on a corner that had  sign saying that it changed proprietors every two weeks. There was a notice in the window asking people to write three words for a blog about their festival experience.  I went in to do that and as I was at the counter trying to think of three words to write down, Jessica walked in to see the man behind the counter.  She stood beside me and spoke to him. I introduced myself, shook hands with her and thanked her for signing my book.  She recognised my name and she introduced me to the man behind the counter.  She told the man that I had written a book and she knew what the title was.  Evidently Sean must have told her this.  I asked her if there were people at the festival who had contact details for proof reading and she directed me to people who were in an ambulance down the road.

When she left, the man behind the counter talked to me and seemed very interested in what I do.  I may try to go through Jessica to get in touch with him.

Monday 22 September 2014

Peter Bevington

I saw something today that I never thought I would ever see.  Peter Bevington was in the office wearing a visitors badge.  Can you believe it?  Peter Bevington, a visitor.  Without his vision and sheer hard work, none of us would be here.

food blender

A good friend gave me a food blender today. A lovely gift.

Friday 19 September 2014

the morning after

The Yes Scotland campaign has been defeated.  We are indeed better together.  On a personal note, I thought contemplating separation was foolish.  However, constitutional change for the rest of the country will now have to be considered.

Having said that, the country is divided and feelings will be raw.

There has been a lot of selfishness in the whole process.

I think a revival is far more important.  Mankind has to recognise sin in human nature and let God deal with it.  Scotland was once known as, " The Land of the book".  That could not be said now.  It will take a movement of God to bring people to him.

We need to be magnanimous at this time and not be crowing over the YES defeat.

The No victory, has solved some problems, but it will create others.

The West Lothian Question will have to be addressed.

I listened to the results of the referendum on the radio, but when I knew Alec Salmond was going to concede defeat, I got up and turned on the television to watch it.  I think he was magnanimous.  I also watched Alastair Darlings victory speech.

I think the real leader of Better Together proved to be Gordon Brown.

I now await to see how the Westminster establishment address the west Lothian question.

Thursday 18 September 2014

18th September 2014 remember this

September the 18th 2014 the referendum

The referendum on Scottish independence takes place today. As I live in England, I do not have a vote. There are however things that are now of concern to me. If the poles are correct, the outcome is on a knife edge and could go either way on a very small margin. This means the country is deeply divided on this issue and there are already people who are very angry indeed. Whatever the outcome, it means that those who lose are likely to still be very angry. This is not a good thing. We christians need to be magnanimous and be seen to be caring and compassionate peace makers. There are people dear to me who will be deeply affected by this if the YES camp win, and there are people in my family who will be disappointed if the NO camp win. Therefore, I need to assert my primary identity as a citizen of Heaven. I am that before I am British, Scottish or European. There could be families who remain divided for years to come. One only has to look at how bitterly divided some families still are after the 1984 miners strike. Some people do not talk to their fathers who remained on strike when they went back to work and the feelings are still raw. I trust my own family not to behave like that, but I am not so sure about other peoples. When I was in Stornoway, Kathleen said of the referendum that people at the church have all sorts of opinions, so they do not talk about it. I think this wise. However the day of reckoning is here and tomorrow we will know the result.

Friday 12 September 2014

the first epistle of John chapter one

John 1:1 to john 1:2:1 I went to visit a former member of the team in Stornoway. While I was there, it was communion season. ( Describe it) The speaker was Fred Drummond, a man from my home town but we had never met. He preached for five nights from John’s first epistle I found it good for me, I had not planned on being there during communion season, but I felt that God wanted me there to hear what this man had to say and I found it so refreshing for my soul. It was about getting close to God To touch God He mimicked Fifers. It is getting close to God by dealing with sin that John concerns himself. V1)” That which was from the beginning “, seems to elude to Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created etc etc. John is presenting himself as a witness to what God had declared. He had seen, heard and touched the son of God. He now proclaims it to the readers and hearers of his letters in order that they may have fellowship one with another and with God. V 5- 7 This concerns fellowship with God. God is light, he his holy and if we say that we have fellowship with him but walk in darkness we lie. But if we walk in the light with him then we have fellowship with him. We are told in other scriptures that the human heard is deceitful and desperately wicked. If I lie to someone else and they are taken in by the lie then I have deceived them. However the devil is a deceiver. He makes sin look good, exciting and attractive. He also minimises sin and so through his enticing we practice self-deception. In the light of what God reveals, we need to be constantly examining our motives our hearts and asking ourselves the questions such as, am I truly walking in the light and having fellowship with the father, or have I been deceived by a lie. Is my walk with God getting stronger or weaker? We can never stand still. We are either walking forward with God, or we are going backwards and while still serving, perhaps we are colder than we once were. Sometimes it is good, to take time out and re-evaluate ourselves. I started such a process some time ago (Tim Chester’s book) There is nothing new in it, it just made me look at sin afresh and what leads to sin and what sin ultimately will lead to. While in Stornoway, this epistle was preached over five nights and I have read it several times since and experienced anew the forgiveness of God. If we sin, note IF we sin, then we have an advocate who speaks to the father on our behalf. It is this same advocate whom John saw touched and experienced. We to need to touch God. There is an inclination for when we sin to hide. When Adam and Eve sinned the hid from God. We do the same thing. We minimise sin, but our consciences say, you did wrong or you thought wrong and you are guilty. We need to go against that response of hiding and bring it out into the light and allow God to deal with it. Only then can we experience his forgiveness. That process involves confession of sin and drawing close to God and we may still find that there are consequences to what we did, but we still need to expose the sin for his forgiveness and then make adjustments so that we do not go on sinning. Recently in church we read Ezekiel 44 where God punished Levite priests by making them do the lesser tasks in the temple and they were not allowed to draw close to God like the other priests who remained loyal to him. Those who misled the people were not disqualified from serving God, but they were disqualified from being close to him and serving in the way that they otherwise could have and that stood as a stark warning to me. Am I serving as I should. I believe so, but I should not become complacent. I could be held at a distance from God. Still saved, but distant. I do not want that for myself. I need to check myself more and more in the light of God’s word. To do that I need to start by not neglecting his word. I then need to not to ignore his word when it prompts me and I need to take whatever measures big or small to avoid sin. To be close to God is an amazing thing and a costly thing. John is able to say, he saw, he touched and he heard that message that Jesus brought.

Wednesday 10 September 2014


The time is Stornoway was good for me. It was communion season and the guest speaker came from my home town. We had never met, but he and I had a lot of people in common including his wife. He spent 5 nights preaching from the first three chapters of Johns first epistle. It gave me a sense of getting closer to God and forgiveness in the aftermath of reading chesters book. It was also good to spend a lot of time in praise of god. the referendum was in full swing. it will be a moment in history no matter what the outcome is. I wish I had a vote,but whatever way I look at it, Scotland is no longer the place that I left and people are expected to vote with their emotions without grasping the implications and being asked the question, "Are you ready, willing and able to live with the consequenses of being a smaller economy and paying higher taxes to support a socialist state?"