Saturday 23 March 2013

Winter returns with 18 inches of Snow and a few other things

This place is like Narnia.  I tried doing my wren round today, but could not complete it as walking in the snow was hard going.  We now have 18 inches of it according to one neighbour.  It looks lovely.  I feel like I am living in a winter scene postcard.  However, it prevents travel. I have not been able to get a new MOT as I am snowed in.  I need to have that resolved in the coming week.

I will also be taking a small risk tomorrow.  I will be contacting M ( not in the James Bond sense) and see what happens. 

I do see Gods hand in my life.  He removed P in a very unusual way so I know that it is the lord, and for some years I have seen him restrain M from doing things that would have been bad for her in the long run.

I now am making a final effort for her.

I had hoped to go to a passover demonstration tonight but that will not be possible.

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