Monday 11 March 2013


At some point this week, I will contact M.  I am putting into practice what I preach.  In Genesis 32 we see how Jacob prayed and then did some practical things to pacify Esau that Gods will would be accomplished and I pray and have written something for M on my phone and I do not see what more I can do. I still have to check facebook in detail but I already know there is no message from her there but there may be one in my email. If not, then the message I send will be a final attempt after much prayer.

She accuses me of judging, but that in itself is Judging and in its context, Judge not that ye be not judged then goes on to warn about how we judge.  The point of the passage is that we need to judge in a Godly way and I need M to see that.

At least I stand up to her.  I am praying that I will be a mighty blessing to her.

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