Friday 8 March 2013

No Parking

 The following is a private joke I sent to a friend as a result of a comment that he made about a notice he saw, and a book that he recommended to me.

It is all your fault.  I now have a copy of “Three things You Need to Know about Rockets”.  Do you have a copy and have you looked at the videos she made as a countdown to the publishing of the book.

Also were you naughty.  Did you park in the North Parish car park by that large notice, or did you just look at it? 

I think it would be just as well saying, “We only use this space for one hour on Sunday and None of us live in this area, but never the less YOU ARE NOT WELCOME! Goodbye”.  Oh we forgot to mention, we cannot actually enforce this as we do not have a traffic warden the police would not be interested and have better things to do, it is just us that are being difficult, by the way you are still not welcome and should we ever do a parish visitation to try to get you to come to Church we already know what your answer will be because of the big notice in the car park.  Also to all of you who live in Buffies Brae who cannot get out of it in the winter when it snows and parking in our car park would make your life so much easier.  TOUGH.

Yours sincerely

The Kirk Session

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