Monday 16 May 2011

telling the truth.

I was reading a chapter in the Purposefull Life this morning and it was about community and how telling the truth in a right way is the one of the most loving things we can do. I told M the truth and I pray that she responds well to it. I pray that it makes her wise and she can see the trap and avoid it. I really believe the Devil is trying to sift her. He is a destroyer and he pulled this stunt with me some years ago with couple of women I fell for who did not love me. I was daft enought to persist. she is older than I was then, and has responsibilities. It would be even worse. I pray that what I have said will foil the devils plan.

I am discovering that God uses every aspect of my life to benefit me and others. things I could not hhave imagined at the time would be useful in fact are.

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