Monday 23 May 2011


I am not a great one for allegorical preaching, but perhaps something happened today along those lines. In order to get what I want and what I am praying for, I need an obstacle removed. I have done my part in having it removed, but there are things that I cannot do, only the lord can do and the image I have had of this for some time now is that of David slaying Goliath.

Today, I was in facebook, and I saw that a friend had a photo of himself on holiday and it caught my eye. I decided to have a closer look at it and then decided to look at some of his other pictures and then I saw it. A picture of David standing over Goliath with the sword in his hand and a caption that said, "GIANTS ARE MEANT TO BE SLAIN. THE LORD IS WITH YOU MIGHTY WARRIER". I really hope that is for me. I am praying daily and I really want the obstactle removed so that I can get on with greater things.

I also decided to start making enquiries into a week long preaching course that was mentioned at our team weekend away.


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