Saturday 28 May 2011


Electrical work in the Sunday School is now complete. This is a major step forward and we are deeply grateful.

Thursday 26 May 2011

David and Goliath again

I was watching a Teen Street video in the prayer meeting this morning and this one was about an Italian Boy and his sister and the subject of David and Goliath came up again much to my surprise and the words were repeated, "THE LORD IS WITH YOU". I really want to see a victory with reguard to M. Is God saying that he is with me. It seems so. I pray that he will give me much wisdom for the days ahead.

Monday 23 May 2011


I am not a great one for allegorical preaching, but perhaps something happened today along those lines. In order to get what I want and what I am praying for, I need an obstacle removed. I have done my part in having it removed, but there are things that I cannot do, only the lord can do and the image I have had of this for some time now is that of David slaying Goliath.

Today, I was in facebook, and I saw that a friend had a photo of himself on holiday and it caught my eye. I decided to have a closer look at it and then decided to look at some of his other pictures and then I saw it. A picture of David standing over Goliath with the sword in his hand and a caption that said, "GIANTS ARE MEANT TO BE SLAIN. THE LORD IS WITH YOU MIGHTY WARRIER". I really hope that is for me. I am praying daily and I really want the obstactle removed so that I can get on with greater things.

I also decided to start making enquiries into a week long preaching course that was mentioned at our team weekend away.


Friday 20 May 2011

20th of May

On this day 55 years ago, a momentous event took place. I was born. I am 55 years old. I have to look in the mirror to remind myself about that.

I went out with the theatre for curry and they had got me a birthday cake. I was surprised and I was deeply touched. I love them, they are a good bunch.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Oh Boy

oh boy oh boy oh boy. I am just so tired. It really hit me at lunchtime and I have to do props a the theatre tonight and every night. I just hope that I am more perky by then.

I later discovered that I was very ill and had to take a couple of nights off the theatre.

Monday 16 May 2011

Three words

What can we do to know Gods will? The answer is three words. READ THE BIBLE.

telling the truth.

I was reading a chapter in the Purposefull Life this morning and it was about community and how telling the truth in a right way is the one of the most loving things we can do. I told M the truth and I pray that she responds well to it. I pray that it makes her wise and she can see the trap and avoid it. I really believe the Devil is trying to sift her. He is a destroyer and he pulled this stunt with me some years ago with couple of women I fell for who did not love me. I was daft enought to persist. she is older than I was then, and has responsibilities. It would be even worse. I pray that what I have said will foil the devils plan.

I am discovering that God uses every aspect of my life to benefit me and others. things I could not hhave imagined at the time would be useful in fact are.

Two weeks

I have given M two weeks to answer my question about meeting. I see that when Gareth asked Malou to come to the UK she took two weeks to answer. In that time in my view God was giving her time to consider. I trust that through me the lord has given M time to consider her situation. I pray that she is wise.

Where am I rooted?

Am I so rooted where I am that I would not go somewhere else? At the weekend away we looked at the book of Hebrews and this question was a challenge. This world is not our home, we have a home with the lord. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, moses Gideon were all men of faith who did not recieve what was promised, but they saw it from afar. On an application to me, I do have a desire to move on but there are things I love here. I want to have M. I am praying for her, really wrestling for her as I do not want to her to suffer as I have.

I thought the weekend away for me was fabulous. I went really prepared to listen and I think it has paid off.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Two Opportunities

This morning, two drivers asked me what this place ( the office) does. One of them is a member of Jehovahs Witnesses. I briefly told them what we do and gave them some of our literature. Pray for them. Who knows what may happen. I told the second driver about the dalit project and he told me that his wife is Indian.

Spiritual attack

At todays team meeting, G said that this team is under a Sustained attack from the Devil. I agree with him. There are so many people who are ill, or closely related to those who are ill, or are having spiritual problems.

Only at the start of this week, I warned M that she is under a spiritual attack and I am sure that I am right about that.

I myself am related to someone who is going through the wars. My brother had stent put in to a valve in his heart and he has to have a second one. His wife by background is a nurse and it must be so difficult for her.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Wrestling like Jacob

Yesterday I sent an email giving M the benefit of my experience of being drawn to women who did not love me and also a woman who was drawn to me whom I did not love. I pray that she benefits from this and that God directs her and gives her wisdom and courage.

I find now that I am directed to that passage where Jacob sends all his family and posessions over the river and he is alone, yet wresting with a man who is clearly a manifestation of the lord and Jacob keeps on and on wrestling with him and tells him he will not let him go until he blesses him. The Lord blessed him and called him Isreal. I am now wrestling and trusting the lord to bless with an answer.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Acts Chapter 12

I was at a Rally today and at the end of it, the speaker preached on acts Chapter 12. james had been executed. Herod saw that it pleased the Jews, so he planned the same thing for Peter. The church prayed for Peter and he was miraculously rescued. When he went to the house where the church were meeting they were astonished to see him. They must have prayed things like "Make peter a good witness to the jailors or give Peter courage for the execution. Instead, God gave them what they must have really wanted."

We need to be specific in prayer and ask for things accoding to his will and be precise about what we want and not just be general. We will then see answers and glorify God for it.

I am praying specificaly for something.

Friday 6 May 2011

The destroyer and victory

I woke up this morning thinking and praying about M and how the devil is destroyer and how when I was going through the same difficulties, Gordon J said, " I see the devil in it." He was right and now I am saying it to her

Gareth and Malou Bolton are here today and he reminded us that the devil seeks to destroy. He seeks to deprive us of our spiritual food. Again, it was the subject of the destoyer.

However just like I found a passage a few days ago that told me the enemy is already defeated, so he reminded us of how Gideon listened to the dream of the Mideon soldier. He saw a mideon tent and a large loaf of bread hit it and knocked it down. It was confirmation to the Gideon of victory and I am praying for a victory. I believe it is in my grasp.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Get on with it

Yesterday, while reading Cs manuscript. there came a point int he narrative where the subject wanted a wife and was interested in a certain woman. He had been alone for a long time and the comment was that when you have been a long time alone you put things off. The subject was told that there were othe men interested in her and he realised that he had to do something now. Perhaps that is where I am.

Go for it they are already defeated

Today I am going to go for it. This morning I rediscovedered that there was not just one occassion when moses sent out spies and and on one occassion Moses was assured by the lord that the enemy was already conquered. Obviously the people still had to go in and do the job, but God was saying that was a formality, the enemy was in effect already conquered and I pray that for me a certain person who is an obstactle is out of the way or at least held at bay and is in effect already defeated.

Monday 2 May 2011

Working like Jacob

Jacob worked for years to earn the wife he loved. I was advised to get fit, do Jogging( which I am not doing, I am doing walking instead) to earn a wife. I think doing it just to be fit is wise, but I was told to do certain things to get a wife just like Jacob got racheal. this morning I was reading a chapter in a book and that very same thing was mentioned. It felt like God saying the advice you have been given and have taken is good. Keep doing it.

Bin laden is dead

Binladen is dead. I heard it on the radio this morning and I watched it on TV. It is the biggest thing in the news today. A lot of questions will be asked because he was well inside Pakistan in a large house in a town that serves the military. It is like a fox living in a chicke cop. A lot of people think that this is justice, but I think that our Justice is nothing compared to the justice that the lord hands out. His justice will be seen to be just.