Friday 1 April 2011

The bank books and an answer to prayer

Today I went on the bank run, and I lost the bank books. I retraced my steps. I went to the post office where I had been paying car tax. I went to my bank were I had been paying my credit card. I went to the bank the office uses and I searched the car and they were not in any of these places. I prayed, "Heavenly father help me find them". I decided to have a second go. I had been told that bag with them in it had not been handed in. Perhaps that meant it was lying on the floor and had not been found. I went back to the post office and had a look all the way along the counter. It was not there. I decided to go to the shop to look on their floor and as I approached it, I saw it. There it was on the ground outside the door. I praised the lord for this answer to prayer. It was like the widow who cleaned the house searching for the missing coin in the parable. I was so overjoyed to see that bag. I hope I remember this as another answer to prayer.

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