Thursday 14 April 2011

As Jesus prayed

Last night as I read the bible, I noticed that it was AS JESUS WAS PRAYING that the crowd gathered and we have the story of how he taught them and the crowd was vast and the disciples asked him to send them away so they could get food and Jesus told them to feed them. He said you feed them and they could not and the only food in the crowd was a boys five loaves and two small fish. Jesus blessed it and fed the crowd and there were 12 baskets left ( some say one for each disciple, but what about Jesus?)

It was also as JESUS WAS PRAYING that the disciples came to him and asked him to teach them to pray as John taught his disciples. He then taught them what we erroniously call the lords prayer. It is in fact a prayer for us, not him for he had no sin. It seems to me that as he prayed things happened. Was he praying for the crowd that they would be well taught by him. Was he praying for the disciples that by seeing the miracle of the five loaves and fishes they would see him for who he is and thier faith would grow. Was he praying that they would learn to pray? Probably, but it seemed to me that as I look at my feeble prayer life scripture says I should pray and things will happen. I have some things I want to see happen, and I have just done something, the outcome of which I am praying about. So let me see what happens

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