Friday 1 January 2010

The first day of 2010

Last nights Hogmonay party in the Sunday School was fun. It was very relaxed, I even had a bit of a go at dancing as I did for the OM christmas party. I have started to change my opinion of my dancing skill. I have always thought that I was bad at it. I still do not think I am as good as I would like to be, but I have come to realise that I generally know what I am doing and most people do not. I reached that conclusion at the christmas party and at last nights party I realised that most people get things wrong because they are thinking about the stepps and not really listening to the music.

this is the first year of 2010. The only thing I can think of that my family have planned for it is Carolyn and Ians wedding. Apart from that , I wonder what God has in store for us. Will there be any glorious conversions? One thing I am certain of is that in all circumstances God wants me to be steadfast and faithfull. I am sorry to say that I know of people who have fallen by the way. People whom I know once named Jesus as saviour but do not do so today. I am reminded that scripture says that he who endures to the end shall be saved. I do not believe that means that we work to be a saved for Jesus has done that for us. I think that what this scripture says is that enduring to the end is a result of having true saving faith.

I look forward to 2010. Perhaps it will have its disappointments, but I look forward to what God will do be it in big or small ways.

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