Friday 1 January 2010

knutsford and being alone and the end of the Doulos

I was lying in bed this morning listeng to "Womans Hour". Yes you did read that correctly, "WOMANS HOUR". Sometimes men listen to things not aimed at them. The main subject was costume dramas and this of course led to a discussion about Cranford. I now realise that it was based on knutsford which is somewhere in cheshire, so if the weather is not too bad tomorrow, I may go there to have a look at it.

A lot of the time, I would like to have someone to do things with. If I do go to Nutsford tomorrow I will be alone, but if I did not do things alone, then it is doubtfull if I would do them at all. Perhaps I may come back with some interesting photos. I find that I now photograph things just because I think they are beautiful such as a photo I took of the sun shining through a tree. If I was using film I probably would not do that because of the cost of developement. I was reminded of how much that could cost when I got some films developed recently that I actually shot three years ago. I knew that I had photos of my family and the Doulos among them and I wanted to get the Doulos photos developed so that I could scan them and put them on facebook now that the old girl has reached the end of her days. Come to think of it, as today is the first of January, this is the first day without the Doulos.

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