Monday 30 November 2009


I thought that devotions, led by thomas this morning was interesting. He raised the subject of identity. Some people, especially on the internet have several identities. To anyone reading this, I can assure you that I am who I am. You might think I am a bore, or terribly exciting, but I do not pretend to be someone I am not.

Having said that, I do see that identity in life is fundamentaly important, and identity is expressed by being part of a community.

I sent out an email on friday to the leadership stating how I was offended on a particular matter. In my view that is really about identity

Wednesday 25 November 2009


We had a prayer meeting today about the Doulos and Stl and a couple who are now out of the country that they have worked in for a long time. In the course of the meeting the subject of listening came up. I think we need to look at this subject and I have written something for the leadership team that expresses how I feel about not being listened to, but it is wider in scope as I know other people feel they were not listened to and could now speak badly of us.

My cautionary note is that as a young man when I expressed myself it was in terms that were not always acceptable to other people. I trust that I will not be OTT this time.

Monday 23 November 2009

I am a Doulos

I am a Doulos, bond slave, called of God for the task he has for me. I am to be holy, set apart for Gods purpose as he wants only the best for me.

I am a Doulos

I am a Doulos, bond slave, called of God for the task he has for me. I am to be holy, set apart for Gods purpose as he wants only the best for me.

Sunday 22 November 2009

The daleks and Me

I went to Memorobillia with Jimmy Yesterday. It was a fun day. I got him to photograph me with the daleks. It is now on facebook. He has the biggest and Kindest heart that I know. All those years ago at University when I met him, I could not have imagined the lifelong friendship that has developed. I am looking forward to his visit next month.

Friday 20 November 2009

Doulos and STL

It has been quite a week. We were informed that IBS STL are in serious economic trouble and are looking for a buyer. I never thought that I would see such a thing. We have done very well out of cheap books from them as has OM India and the ships.

Today we were officially informed that the Doulos cannot sail beyond the end of the year as the dry dock has shown that it would cost to much to carry out the repairs to keep her sea worthy for what would be a relatively short period. What is God doing in all this? At both STL and on the Doulos people will be uncertian about their futures. It is all the more reason to cling to him

Moses and Me

I am just hacked off by the fact that it seems to me that all my experience over the past 15 years has just been ignored by people who think they know what they are doing but are well meaning amatures. When I was in the Co-op they used to send me to management training where I learned that if you want a job improved, you need to talk to the people who actually do the job and that never happed in this case. They have come up with something that I know they will find out is just not workable.

Having said that, I now know from things we were told this morning that someone else was also ignored on a much grander scale and he is paying a heavy price, which puts my anger in perspective.

I do believe that all things work together for good to those who love the lord and I often think of Moses. He did his three 40s. He spent 40 years in pharohs court, 4o in the back side of the wilderness and 40 leading the people of isreal. It seems to me that through providence God moved him on and I ask myself, is that what is about to happen to me. Is God doing things to move me on to things that he has for me? I hope so.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Save Me Lord

last night was a bit out of the ordinary. I ran out of petrol. I had thought that I had filled the can that I keep in the boot, but I had not. I took the can home and got a torch and a pool car. I drove to the garage, but on the way, the car skidded, and mounted an embankment. While this was happening I prayed "Lord Save me, Lord Save me". The car was still moving when put on the brakes and it stalled. However, praise the lord, there was no damage. I did not hit anything. I then drove the rest of the way to the garage, got petrol, drove to my own car and put it in. I drove my own car home and then walked back for the pool car.

As I was walking back to the pool car in the dark with the torch on, I could not help but reflect that this world is like the night. It is a dark place, and like my torch, we have to be a light in it.

I should also be prepared. If I had petrol in the car, then none of these things would have happened. Likewise in life, we need to be prepared. We need to be prepared for the day we die and in all things we need to seek Gods wisdom.

Where was God in the midst of all this? He was looking after me.

Monday 16 November 2009

Doctor Who

It was good to be at Paul and Nobbys last night for a meal and to watch Doctor Who afterwards. They are good friends.

Now as for Doctor who, I thought there was more than just a tinge of "Fury from the Deep".

Wednesday 11 November 2009

The questions I ask myself today and every day

Today is one of those days where I ask myself the following questions.
Why am I here?
Should I be doing something else?
If I should be doing something else, what should it be?
Will God ever move the mountain so that I get the chance to do something else?
Do people ever see me or do they just see what I do?
Are some of the gifts God has given me going to waste?
If God gave me the chance to change my life, how much courage would it take to go ahead with it?
I pray for all of the above and look to God with expectation.

It is just as well God is more concerned with me, my character rather than what I do?

Saturday 7 November 2009

The desires of your heart

Yesterday, I was looking at a message from someone I have not seen in a very long time. He was talking about his business and he refered to the psalm that says, delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. He went on to say that he thought his business was a fulfillment of this. If you delight yourself in the lord, thent he lord will give you righteous desires which he will then fulfill.
I still have a great desires. I have great aching void that needs to be filled and I have desires for things I would like to do for the lord that I am not in a position yet to fulfill unless the lord puts me in a postion to fulfill them. My friend understanding of this scripture I agree with and it has come to me at a very timely moment. What will the lord do?