Friday 2 January 2009

What will God do?

I ask myself the question, what will God do? I need him to do some deep personal things for me and I look forward to that in great anticipation, but when I woke up this morning, I found that the emptiness was very prominent again. Even that is a good thing as it makes me realise my need and turn to God all the more, but Ohh to have it fulfilled.

Christmas was ok, but the emptiness was there all the time. When I was out walking I found myself praying and started to look upon chalmers street as my street of prayer.

I sent the tract that I got in the church to the person I pray for with some other things from the brand new Body shop and a heating product that I got from a promotions girl. For me the most important thing was the tract. It explains the gospel in graphic detail

I also see in things I read the image of standing by the river Jordan waiting for God to act. That is how I see myself at this moment in time. I wonder what I will think when I look back over 2009? What will I see that God has done?

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