Wednesday 28 January 2009

Giving up and what do you want?

For the past couple of days, I have felt like giving up. However, as there was nothing of great interest to me on television in the evening, for the past two nights, I have watched the dvds I have from the 2006 International Forum that feature Steve Brady. Studies in Nehemiah are very encouraging. The king asked Nehemiah, "What Do You Want?". Brady asks the question, what if the ultimate person, (God) askes "What do you want?" what would be your answer? He leaves it there, but I can answer for myself. I want my friend saved and then I want more.

Brady also comments on the difficulties in the last part of re building the walls. There was much opposition to this, but as an illustration, the tells the story of a young inexperienced coal miner who was given the task of splitting a rock. He hammered and hammered away at it with no results, until one of the more experienced miners said, "Give me that", he took the pick and split it in a couple of blows. The more experienced miner had been listening to the sound of the blows and as it changed, he knew it was about to split.

He also gives examples of people who said they had a word from the lord for him and they did not, on the other hand he also sighted a case where a man said to him, "Dont Do it". This was a word from the Lord as he was considering giving up christian ministry. In view of the things I have heard and seen recently, it seems to me God is saying, do not give up, keep on going, you are very close.

These things are such an encouragement to me. Am I close to victory? I hope so.

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