Friday 30 January 2009

Giving up again

Today at devotions we read the story of the disabled man who was let down on his mat through the roof by his friends. They would have found the journey difficult and when they saw a large crowd, they were flexible, they did not give up. Indeed they went to a place they would not normaly have gone and did things that they would not normaly do, ie open the roof. This probably applies to me.

Giving up again

Today at devotions we read the story of the disabled man who was let down on his mat through the roof by his friends. They would have found the journey difficult and when they saw a large crowd, they were flexible, they did not give up. Indeed they went to a place they would not normaly have gone and did things that they would not normaly do, ie open the roof. This probably applies to me.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Giving up and what do you want?

For the past couple of days, I have felt like giving up. However, as there was nothing of great interest to me on television in the evening, for the past two nights, I have watched the dvds I have from the 2006 International Forum that feature Steve Brady. Studies in Nehemiah are very encouraging. The king asked Nehemiah, "What Do You Want?". Brady asks the question, what if the ultimate person, (God) askes "What do you want?" what would be your answer? He leaves it there, but I can answer for myself. I want my friend saved and then I want more.

Brady also comments on the difficulties in the last part of re building the walls. There was much opposition to this, but as an illustration, the tells the story of a young inexperienced coal miner who was given the task of splitting a rock. He hammered and hammered away at it with no results, until one of the more experienced miners said, "Give me that", he took the pick and split it in a couple of blows. The more experienced miner had been listening to the sound of the blows and as it changed, he knew it was about to split.

He also gives examples of people who said they had a word from the lord for him and they did not, on the other hand he also sighted a case where a man said to him, "Dont Do it". This was a word from the Lord as he was considering giving up christian ministry. In view of the things I have heard and seen recently, it seems to me God is saying, do not give up, keep on going, you are very close.

These things are such an encouragement to me. Am I close to victory? I hope so.

Monday 26 January 2009

Pivitol Points

This morning devotions was very interesting. Having woke up early this morning and done some bible reading, I read about the lord making our path smooth. The meaning of this acording to the notes is that the lord would correct our direction. I feel I made a mistake when I did not respond to a certain person as I had a fixed idea about going out only with saved people. I now regret this as I witness.

Devotions was about pivitol points. Times in our lives where we made decisions and we look back now and ask the question. What If (I had made a different decision) I now want to see if God will take me to a point where I will have to chance to correct my earlier mistake.


Thursday 22 January 2009

Impossible coming Soon

Yesterday, I was in bed listening to the radia, when I heard three Key words. Miracle, Impossible, Soon. I was on the point of giving up until I heard these words. I had emailed someone on Fusion and asked her if I was a chauvinist. I got a polite, but slightly cheeky answer that meant yes, but the fact is that God has stated in his word in no uncertain terms that women in the church should not teach or have authority over men and it is NOT cultural. I knew that God was saying no to me having more contact with this lady and to stay on the path I am on. To keep praying for the individual that I pray for very fervently every day. I do this with pleading, but joyfully.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Roger Carswell

Yesterday, Roger Carswell came into the office. He was a guest at Quinta Hall. I saw an opportunity to get a good book for the woman that I pray for. I left a note at Quinta hall asking him to see me and I explained the situation. Today he saw me and after a short talk he recommended a book he wrote called, "Things God Wants Us to Know". He gave one to me and I will send it with a copy of LUKEs gospel. I pray she reads them.

It was also good to see Roger and I will be passing on his greetings to Digby and Marianne.

I do wonder however, when Roger came into the office yesterday, I did not see him. I heard him outside my door talking to our receptionist. He had brougth some mail over. I pushed my chair back and looked at this man standing in the doorway. He seemed familiar. I thought that he looked like Roger Carswell. When he had gone and I looked at the mail that he had left, I saw the return sticker with his name and address on it. If I had not heard our receptionist talking to him, I would not have looked to see who it was, and if I had not then checked that he was who I thought he was I would not have thought of asking him for a his advice on a book for someone who knows nothing. Could this be the final push that God will use to give her the gift of faith?

Thursday 8 January 2009


Today was PE day and Chris P said that Andy C had been at a certain meeting where George V was. Chris had fond memories of that church because as a young man of 19 in 1964 he heard a message there that changed his life. God spoke to him about the IMPOSSIBLE. This word appears in my prayers for a certain person. I do say to the lord, it is impossible for me, so it is up to you. I felt so reassured by it.

I look to see God do the impossible in my friends life and in mine.

Monday 5 January 2009

Is it God or the way my mind works?

SOON, that word looms in my way of thinking. Is it me or is it in Gods providence that word has just been put on the board outside my office? I hope it is the lord as in previous postings I have said that I pray for someone to be saved. I also pray for other things for the same person. I pray that the person in question is delivered into my hand and I hope that will happen soon. How soon is soon. Left to my own devices, it would be today.

I am reminded that Gods promises do not fail. There is also a scripture that says that Gods promise would not be delayed by one day. I think the point is that while things may seem to tarry to us, God is not delaying.

Ohhh I am deperate for God to answer my prayers

Friday 2 January 2009


Christmas was ok. It was good to see the family. However, we were all ill afterwards and this thwarted the plans my brother and his wife had for new year. I do pray all the more for them and their children.

What will God do?

I ask myself the question, what will God do? I need him to do some deep personal things for me and I look forward to that in great anticipation, but when I woke up this morning, I found that the emptiness was very prominent again. Even that is a good thing as it makes me realise my need and turn to God all the more, but Ohh to have it fulfilled.

Christmas was ok, but the emptiness was there all the time. When I was out walking I found myself praying and started to look upon chalmers street as my street of prayer.

I sent the tract that I got in the church to the person I pray for with some other things from the brand new Body shop and a heating product that I got from a promotions girl. For me the most important thing was the tract. It explains the gospel in graphic detail

I also see in things I read the image of standing by the river Jordan waiting for God to act. That is how I see myself at this moment in time. I wonder what I will think when I look back over 2009? What will I see that God has done?