Wednesday 23 March 2016

The postman and days off for illness

I had a chat with the postman last night.  He was not all that well, but had to be in work as he had already had days off ill and if he had more off in a certain period then he would get a warning.  This is post office policy.  I can understand why they want to stop people cheating and taking time off, being paid for it and not be ill at all.  However, it also tells me the they do not care about individuals who may indeed be ill and not taking time out to fully recover.  Someone who is working while ill is going to take longer to get well and not necessarily be entirely useful.  I am glad that I am not a postman.  I know a man who was a postman who took early retirement.  He once said that each meeting was yet another chance for the management to piss on them.  He also said that it was a good job when he started but now he hated it.

For all our griping, at least in what I do we are broadly loved and valued in a way that is beyond the worlds comprehension.

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