Thursday 31 March 2016

the call of Jeremiah

In a weeks time we will have our new recruits conference.  I will be speaking to them on the Monday morning and I have decided to lead them on Jeremiah chapter one the first ten verses and discuss the call of God on their lives and how God called Jeremiah when he was young. I will also be giving them background information as we are told that it was during the reign of king Josiah and it was in his day the books of Moses were found and Josiah repented. It also seems to me ( and I need to check this) that the books of Moses were found by Jeremiahs father.

God was doing something in Judah before he called Jeremiah, but the real call of Jeremiah was before he was born for God knew him before he was born and God consecrated him before he was born and I believe God still does that with us.

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