Tuesday 20 October 2015

My book is on Amazon

My book is now available as an ebook.  the following links will take you to it

The following links can be used to purchase the Kindle edition of the eBook in the UK, US, Canada and Australia:
In other countries, customers should go to their regional Amazon website and search for the title of your book.
The following link can be used to purchase the Kobo edition of your eBook:
Please note that customers do not need a Kindle or Kobo device to read your eBooks. Both Amazon (Kindle) and Kobo provide free eBook reader apps for PCs, Macs, smartphones, tablets (including iPads) etc.
It will also be possible to buy your book in ePub, Kindle and PDF editions also from our website once the paperback edition has been released:
NOTE: Customers who purchase the Kindle edition from our website will have to manually transfer it onto their Kindle reader.

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