Thursday 29 October 2015

Global village

Global Village is slowly but surely coming together. It will be assembled next week and I will be doing the weekend performances.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

last monday

Last Monday, I spoke to New Recruits about Acts chapter 18 and the first 17 verses. It was the same chapter I read in the Samaratins Inn in the red light district of Amsterdam that filled me with confidence.  Paul Must have been afraid, but God gave him a vision and told him to go on speaking, no one would harm him and he had many disciples in this city.

I was afraid at the time, but reading that passage gave me more confidence in God.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

My book is on Amazon

My book is now available as an ebook.  the following links will take you to it

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It will also be possible to buy your book in ePub, Kindle and PDF editions also from our website once the paperback edition has been released:
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Tuesday 13 October 2015

Wisdom and forgiveness

In life, there are times when one needs wisdom.  I passed on information to a friend and he in turn passed it on without thinking of the conseqenses.  If I had been wise, I would never have passed it on to him even though at the time, I thought he aught to know.

Also, one has to be very big on forgiveness and that is far easier said than done.  It takes a lot of work and I am reminded of the time when Peter asked Christ how often he should forgive his brother and would seven times do.  Christ said seventy times seven. The point being that if you are counting then you are not forgiving.  We have to reflect christ.  He has forgiven us so we have to be people of forgiveness.

Monday 5 October 2015

wigtown book festival George Falconers view.

I have just got back from the Wigtown book festival. I went for the first time last year and this year, I was there for the last two days. I love it. The little town of Wigtown is very friendly and I can understand why some people love living there.  The festival is a big event for such a small community. They get well known speakers and the event runs like clockwork.  There is a large number of different speakers, there are displays of varying attractive luxury goods and the market is an added bonus.  I always enjoy going in "The bookshop" and by that I mean the biggest second hand bookshop in Scotland.  The staff are lovely to talk to  and in terms of books there is everything from a needle to an achor.  I highly recommend the place.

I hope to do something with my own book and the churches next year. I met with the ministers and they have my card.