Wednesday 12 August 2015

past prayer letters

I was handed a file on Monday. It contains some prayer letters I wrote in my first three years in OM.  I find it very interesting.  Petra was a new thing then that I was asking prayer for.  Now Petra no longer meets all our needs and has to be upgraded. One of the creators of Petra, Alwyn, is with us this week doing finance training and I mentioned him in the prayer letters all those years ago.  He was to spend six months with us before going to Logos 2.  He never did get to the ship.  Also seeing my concerns at the time which were very real and nobody, especially someone whose Job it was to support me gave me any understanding.  I had to wait years before I got support from the home front.  However, on reflection, God overuled and I am where I am today and I am thankful to him for it.

The prayer letters also contain photos.  One of them is of the dinner we did just prior to the ICO people leaving us to move to Carlisle.  They had to go from flat to flat and in each flat they would get one course of the dinner. In this way they spent the evening with the maximum number of people saying goodbye.

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