Thursday 13 August 2015

Alwyn and Anna

Alwyn Viljoin and Ann Maritt have been here this week.  He has been leading the finance department in training.  I estimate that it is about 18 years since he was here.  I wrote about him in  prayer letter all those years ago.  He never did get to the Logos 2 as planned.

Last night there was a knock on my kitchen window as I was preparing a snack.  Andrew Debs had a woman with him and I recognised her as Anna Houghton who was on the team in 2002.  It was lovely to see her and I have just sat through a meeting with her.

This week has been a blessing to me just to welcome old friends.

Wednesday 12 August 2015


I went to Preston yesterday to collect one of our vehicles.  When I was at chirk Railway station, Digby appeared.  I had a number of changes to make and was concerned that I may miss a train as  I looked for the platforms for departing.  He had a app on his phone that gave him all that information so he saved me some hassal. 

I caught all the trains, arrive in Preston on time and met my collegues mother.  The vehicle was outside her house.  My collegue is called Debs. She has a Scottish accent and lives with her husband in Glasgow. However, by talkng to her mother, I have discovered that she was born in Oxfordshire and then they moved to lancashire.  Debs did not go to Glasgow until 2002 when she met her husband.  Evidently she picks up accents.

As I drove the vehicle back, I saw the spot on the M56 where there had been a lorry crash yesterday with a fire. I am glad that I avoided that.  It must have been frightening for those involved and with fire there is a risk of an explosion.

When I passed by, I saw the layby that was cordoned off and in the middle of it was an area where it had been scorched by the fire.

past prayer letters

I was handed a file on Monday. It contains some prayer letters I wrote in my first three years in OM.  I find it very interesting.  Petra was a new thing then that I was asking prayer for.  Now Petra no longer meets all our needs and has to be upgraded. One of the creators of Petra, Alwyn, is with us this week doing finance training and I mentioned him in the prayer letters all those years ago.  He was to spend six months with us before going to Logos 2.  He never did get to the ship.  Also seeing my concerns at the time which were very real and nobody, especially someone whose Job it was to support me gave me any understanding.  I had to wait years before I got support from the home front.  However, on reflection, God overuled and I am where I am today and I am thankful to him for it.

The prayer letters also contain photos.  One of them is of the dinner we did just prior to the ICO people leaving us to move to Carlisle.  They had to go from flat to flat and in each flat they would get one course of the dinner. In this way they spent the evening with the maximum number of people saying goodbye.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

stamp shirt

the stamp shirt I first saw on facebook arrived yesterday and I am wearing it today.