Saturday 28 February 2015

lorraine the spiritualist

I was stewarding at the theatre tonight, and as the audience were leaving, a black woman came in.  She had short blonde hair.  I had seen her once before several weeks ago in the middle of town.

She asked me if there was a cinema performance. I told her we have a theatre and the audience were just leaving.  She had a man with her who kept beconing her to leave.  finaly she said, that she was a spiritualist and she had seen something.  I should at this juncture say that one of our members has seen a lady in a hat who seems to be a ghost.

The black lady seemed uncertain about whether I believed her or not.  I told her that someone else had told me this, but I did not tell her what had been seen.  In the conversation that followed, it was clear to me that she had never been in the building before. What she had seen, she saw from outside.  She and her husband had seen a blue light at the top floor of the building. As the lady then looked  and moved around the ground floor she said, "SHE danced over there and she moved over her and she stopped and held her hand up"  At the mention of the word SHE ( bear in mind I had not given her any details.) I was finaly convinced that I was in the presence of a lovely lady, who is demon possessed.  I am sure she saw the same creature that had been described to me and I am sorry to say that the very person who had previously seen it was present when this black lady told us this. 

I left the building with the black lady and her husband. She kept tugging at my arm.  She looked at me and said,"I see you in the spirit of world war 2".  She started to cry.  I asked her what her name is and it is Lorraine.  She repeated, I see you in the spirit of world war 2.  I needed to leave and she threw her arms around me and as she was going to her car she said, " I will see you again".

As we are a theatre, anyone can come to a performance and the Guildhall is a public building. I may indeed see her again.  the creature in her must know who christ is, and consequently knows who I am and that I would love to see her delivered from the power of the devil.  I expect we will meet again.

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