Thursday 19 February 2015

Act chapter 20

Acts Chapter 20 v 1-3
Acts chapter 20 v 16-38

This takes place after a man name Demetrius had caused a lot of trouble
He was a silversmith who shrines of Artimis ( a false God) and this brought in a great deal of money and to other like him.  Paul and the disciples witnessing was a direct challenge to them and they were losing trade.  Demetrius had gathered together the tradesmen who also made idols.  It came dangerously close to riot.

We see Pauls response in the first three verses. 

We are not told what he said, but I think it is likely that he spoke about what had just happened.

He knew that in Jerusalem he would suffer. It is possible that in his exhortation he thought they would continue to suffer at the hands of the silversmiths and he encouraged them to go on being faithful to the true God.

Note from the first three verses.  Paul spent his time exhorting.  Presumably he read the scriptures he had at the time and also discussed the things that he had learned from others about what Jesus taught and he would have done this at great length.  This was in fact his LIFES WORK

Much of this chapter reads like an OM prayer letter.  It deals with the people who accompanied Paul, where they went and what they did.

V16 we see that paul was in a hurry to get to Jerusalem, if possible to be there on the day of Pentecost,
V 22-23 Paul says that he does not know what awaits him there, except that the holy spirit testifies to him that bonds and affliction awaited him, YET STILL HE WAS IN A HURRY.

I AM NOT SO SURE THAT IF I KNEW THAT I WOULD BE IN A HURRY. Paul must have had extra grace and strength and hoped that be getting to Jerusalem he would Glorify God in his suffering.

You will recall that God spoke to Ananias in Acts chapter 9.

God having reassured Ananias that he had to go to Paul for he the persecutor was praying.

Paul reminds them that when he set foot in Asia, he was with them the whole time and he suffered plots against him from his own people, the jews.

He did not shrink from testifying to them. 

It means in effect he declared to them all that God had revealed.

V24 But I do not consider my life of Any account. 

Paul is thinking of his life’s work.  Proclaiming the gospel to as many as possible and teaching them was his life’s work and God had given it to him. 

Now He knew he had to complete the task

We may not all have Jerusalem’s to go to. 
We may not all be imprisoned
Or put in chains
Or executed.

However, one day, unless the lord comes, we will all die
Are we conscious of pressing on as hard as we can to complete the task God has given us.

I have entered a period where I ask myself, how can I be of help to as many people as possible in understanding mission and understanding scripture.

All my life, I have written little things for publication. Up until now the biggest thing I have written was this (Read from nice to meet you)

Now, with the encouragement of Chaco Thomas, I have written more extensively and written a book and I hope to write others.


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