Friday 6 June 2014

more rubbish from the dreadful meeting

Furthermore, with reference to that scripture where a woman was caught in adultery and Jesus wrote in the sand, the woman leading the meeting stooped down as Jesus would have and said that as he wrote in the sand she believed that Jesus was waiting for god to reveal to him. Jesus knew their hearts. We have no idea what Jesus wrote, but whatever it was, it shocked those who were present. Jesus as not waiting for anything. The Whole meeting ploughed on with little to no references from scripture to support what was said and it was not challenged. As a visitor and also an OMer, I did not think it my place to throw a spanner in the works by quoting the sciptures they ignore that fly in the face of their theology, but I did leave the meeting with what I can only describe as a holy anger they even seem to have a new version of the bible to suppor their way of thinking and it appears to have been done by one man. He is not likely to be any better than any other translator. I think very sincere people are being mis led some of them had hands laid on them to be filled with the holy spirit, which tells me that they have no idea what being filled with the holy spirit means. It means to be controled by holy spirit.

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