Thursday 5 June 2014

A dreadful meeting

I have just been to a dreadful meeting. It makes me angry to see christians being so gullible, having the word of God mis represented to them and then they believe every bit of the nonsense they have heard. They claim to have god giving them pictures and words of knownledge and that tongues take them to the presence of God and pray right prayers Far from valuing the word of God I felt the whole meeeting from beginning to end debased it and most of if was pure imagination. I think the woman who led is deceived and she herself leads others into the deception that their imaginations are God speaking to them. The bible clearly teaches that tongues were a sign to unbelievers and to unbelieving Jews. Gods judgement was upon them for their unbelief, but that woman never mentioned those scriptures i asked her a question about Joni Earickson and pointed out that she is not healed. the woman accepts that some christians are not healed and that in fact leads to their ministry which i agree with. However she also told me that she does not prepare for meetings, she does not write notes she just prays and lets the spirit speak which would account for why she is so appallingly bad at it. there was a long prayer session which was really just babbling and telling imaginative stories some of which I have covertly filmed. It will never see the light of day on facebook, but I am keeping it for myself as it will remind me that I have a responsibility before God to faithfully and rightly expound his word because those of us who teach will be judged all the more severely. If anything, I have just seen this evening an example of how teaching in the west is entered into far too lightly and absolute devilish nonsense is preached. We are told the bible to test everything and that means test what is preached and ask ourselves the question, What does the bible say. Unfortunately most christians do not do that hence they are easily taken in by nonsense such as I heard tonight.

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