Friday 6 September 2013

terry virgo

I do not agree with some of what Terry Virgo says, however to the students at forum, I have to say that everything he said to them was good and wise. Abraham had faith, though he was old and sarah was barren. Doubt is not modesty and Moses refused the pleasures of Egypt. I trust that he spoke into their lives. Indeed he told them that they do not know how much God has invested in them. AS a mature man, I can look back and see that God has entrusted me with a great deal and I trust that for many of those students. He will use them abundantly. Virgo also emphasised the prayer meeting and the local church. All of which I approve of and I have written a chapter about prayer meetings in the draft of my book Yesterday when I went to lock, up the chapel, I found that I had to stay an extra half hour, because up to about half a dozen of them remained to discuss issues about the CU and Church. I think that is a vital subject. It was emphasized tome me in my university days by an individual and I am glad to see that it is policy On the previous night, I watched them as the listened to George Verwer. They laughed when the globe came out. Many of them stood to signify their commitment to mission. pray for them. George may be 75 years old, but he still appeals to young people.

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