Friday 23 August 2013

I found a frizbee

I found a Frizbee this evening as I walked round the office checking that it was locked up. I realised that it had to belong to the group in the conference centre who are mainly children. I took it in. I approached one of the men. He did not recognise it, but one of the girls thought that it belonged to a particular boy. I left, but I could hear a lot of young voices talking from the windows across the courtyard. They were terribley excited. I found it a great atmosphere. I loved it. Those who do not live here miss the opportunities for moments like it. I had heard one of the young women telling them the night before to say yes to Jesus. To invite him into their lives and there was nothing they could do but say yes and let Jesus in. Bearing all that in mind, as I heard all those young voices tonight over the courtyard. I prayed for the group. I have no idea who they are, but I prayed that many, if not all of them may be saved. I prayed that young womans message to them last night would bear fruit. AMEN

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