Wednesday 28 November 2012

Merry Christmas Doctor Luke

Luke chapter 1: 1-45

Luke wrote his gospel to Theophilis.  His name means “THE ONE WHO LOVES GOD”

We do not know who he was.  It is likely that he was a roman, thou some think that he was not an individual but a number of people who loved God.

Luke  was the only gentile to write a gospel. 

He was a physician.  If he were an OM er and had a personality assessment.  We would call him a detailer.  We see that he gives details of dates,

He has in these verses carried out research
He gives details about illnesses that we only find in LUKE

The purpose of his gospel is that having done the research, Theophilis may be certain of the things that he has been taught.  Luke had interviewed eye witnesses.

Contrary to what some people may think, our faith is not blind.  God has given us the evidence that we need, he has provided accounts of those who were actually there.

He then set the scene. He details that it was during Herods reign in Judea that Zechariah and Elizabeth lived.  He was a priest of the Abijah division and they were both well on in years and were childless. 

Note that God regarded them as upright.  I doubt if society would have thought Elizabeth upright as she was childless.  I also expect this was something that both of them had done a great deal of praying for.  Perhaps by now, they thought it would never happen. I certainly think Zechariah thought that.  He could not believe what he was told.

One day he was chosen by lot to go into the temple of the lord and burn insense. When the time came, everyone else was outside praying. 

To be chosen at all was a great honor.  It is likely that many priests never had the honour going into that inner part of the temple and even if they did, it was likely to be only once in their lives.

We see that when Zacheriah was in there, he saw an angel standing by the alter, and was gripped with fear.

Picture the scene. Zachariah would have been pleased that the lot had fallen upon him do go in and burn the insense, and that feeling of honour gave way to the grip of fear.

God is merciful. We see that the angel knows that Zacheriah was afraid, so he says, “Do not be afraid Zachariah, your prayer has been heard.  Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son.

Is it surprising that after all the years of praying that Zacheriah has difficulty believing this?

Have you every prayed for something for a long time, year after year after year, and there is no sign of it being answered?  It does not follow that it will never be answered. Perhaps it will be answered when you do not expect it.

If you were praying as they did, you would pray that your child would be godly and Zachariah is told that his child will be great in the eyes of God. So that would be an even bigger answer to prayer.

I think that Zacheriah and Elizabeth would have prayed for years that their people would return to the lord, and here Zacheriah is told that his son will draw many of the people of Israel back to God. Another answer to prayer.

I think we can also assume that Zachariah and Elizabeth would also have spent years praying for the messiah who was yet to come.

He was told to call him John.  The name means the grace or favour of Jehovah

Zacheriah was told that his son will have the spirit and power of Elijah ( this had been prophecied in the old testament.) and that he will prepare the way of the lord.  Yet another answer to prayer.

If his son was to prepare the way of the lord, then that meant that the messiah would also appear very soon.

It was a lot to take in

He asks the question, “How can I be sure of this?  I am an old man and my wife is well along in years?”

Gabriel says that he is Gabriel and he stands in the presence of God and has been sent to tell him this good news, but because he did not believe it, he would be silent until it happened.

V26, notice Lukes attention to detail, it was in the 6th month that Gabriel was sent to deliver another message.  This time to a young woman called Mary who was betrothed to a man called Joseph, a descendent of David.

Mary, like Zacheriah, was afraid, and once again Gabriel says, “Do not be afraid, You have found favour with God and will give birth to a child and you will name him Jesus  He will be called the son of the most high, the lord God will give him the throne of his father david and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever.  His Kingdom will never end.

Mary asks how will this be as I am a virgin?  Note the contrast with Zacheriah in asking the question.   I do not think Mary did not believe, she just wanted to know how it would be done.

She is told that the holy spirit will come upon her to do this impossible thing and to support this she is told that the holy spirit has come upon her elderly relative and made her pregnant as well.  If an elderly woman can be pregnant then she as a young woman should believe that she will have an immaculate conception.

I wonder if Mary could see the full implication of what she was told about her son.  He would be the son of the most high and his Kingdom would never end.  Perhaps she could see that these were attributes of the messiah, or perhaps not.  Perhaps she just believed with less understanding than we have with hindsight.

Elizabeth could see it, for when Mary went to visit her, “Elizabeth was pleased to see her. She was filled with the holy spirit and said in a loud voice”Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear, but why am I so favoured that the mother of my lord should come to me?”

The Holy spirit showed both of them what was to come and at the sound of Marys greeting the child in Elizabeth leapt.

Now ladies, I do not expect to ever be pregnant, but I understand that you feel the child moving. In this case the movement was significant.

Blessed is she who has believed that what the lord has said to her will be accomplished.  Although Elizabeth believed, God had not spoken to her, he had spoken to Zachariah, and he had not believed.  The blessing was to Mary for the lord spoke to her and she did believe.

This is what we need. We need to believe the things that God has revealed, and as for the things yet to come, they may come at time and fashion we cannot imagine, but they will come.

Her reaction is different to Zachariahs.  He did not believe.  Mary says, “I am the lords servant, may it be to me, as you have said”.

The lord dealt with them differently, but in both cases he was merciful.  In both cases he reassured them in their fear, and in both cases, he carried out what he said he would do.

This marks the start of the Christmas story, and I expect that throughout December we will be told again and again the rest of the story, so I am not going to go into it here, except to say that it is not likely Jesus was born on the 25th of December,

but we do know he was born,

 we do know that he sits on the throne of David now,

and we know that his kingdom will never end. 

Just as Mary was told all those centuries ago.


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