Monday 12 November 2012

Amazing Grace.

On saturday night, I heard "Amazing Grace" coming from the conferernce centre.  On Sunday morning I heard it again.  As I got out of bed I found myself joining in with it. It was wonderful.

I have been reading about the Golden Calf and how Moses was angry and ground it down, put it in water and made the people drink it and then called the levites to kill friends and family and finally the lord put many to death and said that he would not go before them as he may destroy them.  Like all humans, I am tempted.  There are times when I sin, and in  West, I think we treat it too lightly.  We think, "God will forgive me".  We use it as an excuse to sin.  In this passage we see the gravity of sin.  We need to take sin very seriously indeed and not treat it as a minor problem.  We need to search ourselves and have it rooted out.

Yes, Gods Grace is amazing, but we only realise how amazing it is when we know the depth of our sin, and how we have offended God and he has not poured out his wrath upon us as we deserve.

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