Friday 3 August 2012

1st Timothy 2:11-15

"A woman should learn in quiteness, and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man. She must be silent.  For Adam was formed first then Eve, and Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.  But women will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety"

The above verses are clear.  Women in the church should not have authority over men and it is has nothing to do with culture. Paul states his reasons. It is the creative order and it was the Woman who was decieved by the serpent when he said, "Did God Say?"

Today he still says did God say?  but now it is Did God say that women should not have authority over a man?

Women pastors and Elders will say that they are called of God to do what they do, but they are decieved for the scriptures clearly teach the contrary. 

This is not popular, but if we are to honour God then we need to teach what scripture says and obey it.

There is coming a day when we will all face the lord as judge.  I wonder if he will ask of women pastors and elders, "Why did did you not believe and obey my word.  I never called you to have authority over men, indeed I revealed in my word just the opposite, or to men what will we say if asked, why did you put yourself under the authority of women when my word says  that women in the church should not have authority over a man.

I find that people who say they have no problem accepting women in authority in the church can never adequately support that position from scripture and they usually are already in churches where women have rebelled against Gods word and are in authority so people say they have no problem with that because they are already guilty and they are led by emotions and they want to be consistent

The church has to be obedient to God.  We do not pick and choose what parts of Gods word we will believe.

Having said that, there is such a thing as womens ministry. Some women do have a pastoral gift and they use it to great effect to get along side people. I can think of one right now.

God may not strike down those who rebel against this part of his word with a bolt of lightening, but we do know that one day we will all be judged, and those of us who teach will be judged all the more severely because of the gift of teaching God has given us and how we used it to teach others.  I therefore have to teach this passage in the fashion that God intended.

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