Friday 31 August 2012

George Verwer

I have just met George Verwer, his daughter and some of his grandchildren


I will be sending a long email to M.  I am praying for her again and I hope that what I say will talk some sense and Godly wisdom into her.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Video blogging

I think that next week may be a good opportunity to film the first of my video prayer bloggs.  UCCF will be here and I always make mention of them in my letters, but I think it will be all the more poinent if I video myself with the tents in the background.  I just hope that voice projection makes me audible.  This will be a new venture for me.

Getting Underway

I made contact with ICC yesterday. I discovered that I only need one book for the first module I need to study and as I was able to get it from Amazon at a greatly reduced price, I bought it. This takes me one step closer to getting my studies underway.

I will also in the near future be putting one of my plans into effect.  I have a video camera and I will be using it to record prayer bulletins.

Friday 24 August 2012

Bank Holiday weekend

Bank holiday weekend.  I will be at a lighting workshop at the theatre tomorrow afternoon.

I may go to the park on Sunday, but I still have to decide about that.  I will certainly be at church and it will be interesting to see how the childrens camp went.

If the weather is good on Monday I will pay a visit to Langollen and have another go with the video camera.

In the near future, I hope to get a new ( Very Cheap) sat nav.  The one I have ceased working while I was on holiday.

timothy and me

having come across the passage from Timothy yesterday that was sent to me by k, my eye fell upon that same passage last night.  It is an encouragement to Timothy to stir up the gift within him.

I felt an inner promoting again. 

It is time to start asking questions about the distance learning course.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Something I should take heed of

Do not neglect your gift which was given you..... (1 Tim 4:14). Let's continue in faith and manifest it in works using every God given gift/s for His kingdom sake and for His glory, Si help me Lord.

In the world of sound

The video camera worked. It does have sound as I thought it would. The sound is not as good as I would like, but I think with a bit of voice projection, I can overcome that.  Considering that I got the camera free, I think I am blessed.   I will use it for recording prayer material, and things that interest me.  I do notice that it consumes batteries quickly and that the videos take much longer to upload to facebook, so at some point, I think I will get rechargable batteries. It will mean getting a new charger as it uses smaller batteries than my other camera..

I am really pleased that I made the effort to see if I could get it to work at Skenfrith.  I hope that it will improve communication between me and supporters. 

My other camera does record video, but they are silent.  I have now moved into the world of sound.  WOW.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

An unusual sight

I saw a Jewish family in Clun.  that is unusual.  they were by the river where the 16th century bridge is.

I just missed the carnaval this year.


I got home on Saturday.  Holidays alone are difficult, so you can either go and see people, or do things you enjoy.  This year, I chose the latter.  One of the things I did was visit skenfrith where the Doctor Who episode, "Amy's Choice" was filmed.  I even used this to write something for the church in our local village newsletter.

I also took a number of good christian books.  I feel that I should read more like a used to.  Do more excercise and I need to do something about getting the study course started soon.

I met a young woman who was temporary manager of a hostel I stayed in.  I felt that I had a couple of good spritual conversations with her and perhaps the lord wanted me there to have those conversations.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Full submission

In 1st Timothy 2 v 11 note the use of FULL submission.  I have never really noticed this before.  Just as we all have to submit to God, so God expects women in the right way to submit to the leadership of the church whom God, ( not just the apostle pauls opinion) must be men, who are of spiritual stature. Who handle family and all things around that well.  who have no stain against their character.  Who are gentle and have a great love of the lord and others.

Friday 3 August 2012

Jewish boys

I met the Jewish boys at festival square just as I did last year.  It is an annual camp

1st Timothy 2:11-15

"A woman should learn in quiteness, and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man. She must be silent.  For Adam was formed first then Eve, and Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.  But women will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety"

The above verses are clear.  Women in the church should not have authority over men and it is has nothing to do with culture. Paul states his reasons. It is the creative order and it was the Woman who was decieved by the serpent when he said, "Did God Say?"

Today he still says did God say?  but now it is Did God say that women should not have authority over a man?

Women pastors and Elders will say that they are called of God to do what they do, but they are decieved for the scriptures clearly teach the contrary. 

This is not popular, but if we are to honour God then we need to teach what scripture says and obey it.

There is coming a day when we will all face the lord as judge.  I wonder if he will ask of women pastors and elders, "Why did did you not believe and obey my word.  I never called you to have authority over men, indeed I revealed in my word just the opposite, or to men what will we say if asked, why did you put yourself under the authority of women when my word says  that women in the church should not have authority over a man.

I find that people who say they have no problem accepting women in authority in the church can never adequately support that position from scripture and they usually are already in churches where women have rebelled against Gods word and are in authority so people say they have no problem with that because they are already guilty and they are led by emotions and they want to be consistent

The church has to be obedient to God.  We do not pick and choose what parts of Gods word we will believe.

Having said that, there is such a thing as womens ministry. Some women do have a pastoral gift and they use it to great effect to get along side people. I can think of one right now.

God may not strike down those who rebel against this part of his word with a bolt of lightening, but we do know that one day we will all be judged, and those of us who teach will be judged all the more severely because of the gift of teaching God has given us and how we used it to teach others.  I therefore have to teach this passage in the fashion that God intended.