Thursday 10 May 2012

pleading with M

I sent M a detailed email today, pleading with her to examine the scriptures and not to dismiss what God has revealed, lest she get her own way and God send leanness to her soul.

I felt that I had to send it.  I also pointed out that when the apostle Paul was dealing with the issue of meat offered to Idols,   he pointed out that "Everything is permissible" but not everything is beneficial, "Everything is permissible", but not everything is constructive.  U was in devotions this morning and having prayed about how I could help M, I noticed the words that I have highlighted and repeated them to her.

I think it is important that we understand the bible correctly and apply it.  So many people take things out of context and mis understand, or they construct their arguement using bullet points and do not really listen to what the lord has revealed.  We need to take time to let scripture speak to us and not approach it with our own agenda and impose it on scripture.

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