Monday 12 March 2012

Radical Jesus

I read the following on facebook by a man I admire as a speaker
Speaking tomorrow. The title is 'Wild Jesus' from John 2. I think I am going to end with a sentence like ... 'Jesus is full surprise so keep your pants on tight. You really don't know where He will lead next or how fast it will happen'. Any good? Any better ideas?

Looking at the passage, the people of the time could not have predicted what Jesus would do. In one case he changed water into wine. In the other he drove out the cattle sellers and the money changers who would have argued that they must surely have been doing Gods work by selling animals to sacrafice to please God, or change money for offerings. They were in fact profiteering. Jesus was very angry and drove them out. They demanded to know if he had the autority to to this. He told them "Destroy this temple and I will rebuild it in three days." They thought he meant the building. In fact he meant his body. He would die and rise on the third day. Again the people could not see what he meant, or what he would do.

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