Tuesday 7 February 2012

Listening to God

I hear a lot of messages these days about listening to God, and then they say that we are so busy and letting things get in the way that we are not hearing correctly, but I cannot see any biblical basis for this. Men in the bible had hard lives. They also did not just work five days a week and I presume they worked long hours and there was no health and safety exectutive. They did not have a problem listening to God, in fact they heard him all too clearly. They often however had a problem with being obedient.

I think nowadays we make sentimental excuses for our lack of faith. Jesus said that his sheep hear his voice. He did not say his sheep heard his voice is they were quiet or not to busy or getting into the right worship position. He took is for granted that they heard. In fact he said be not just hearers of the word, but do ers also. In other words, hearing was not a problem, but doing what it said was.

The real problem is rebelious hearts.

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