Wednesday 15 February 2012

Answers to more prayer

While in a certain house last sunday, I had a look at childs book that told a story that I first heard on the radio in the middle last year. It concerns a missionary lady who looked after a baby and there was a need of a hot water bottle. She prayed for a one and a child joined her in prayer for that and also asked for a doll for the baby. This was not going to be very likely. A parcel arrived and it contained a hot water bottle. The child reached into the package and said, "If God sent the hot water bottle, he must have sent the dolly to." The child proceeded to pull out a doll. The package had been sent months before the prayer.

I also see some things coming my way that make me reflect on life and how God cares for me but life has not worked out the way I imagined, yet God answers prayer and I need to be open and looking for those answers even if they are not the ones that I expected.

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